Reina Inoue
Appearance and Traits

Height: 6'0
Age: 112
Hair: Brown with red highlights
Eyes: Left Misty Green - Right: ???
She has a tattoo curving around the patch on her right eye.Reina possesses a toned yet lithe physique and moves with a hunter's grace. Nothing wasted.Along with her skills as a Samurai, Reina is an accomplished healer of wounds, both mental and physical. She walks a spiritual path and carries with her a fan-shaped focus, along with utilizing ofuda to protect her companions.

Reina possesses what can be described as a playful serenity. She is quick to smile and quicker to laugh. A woman who finds joy in the small things. Who lives each day as if it could be her last, and yet...Sometimes the smile falters. Sometimes the light around her dims, and the shadows grow.When asked, Reina will tell you she hails from Doma. She will tell you about her training as a Samurai and Exorcist. She'll speak openly of how she came to be such and talk of hunting denizens of the void. But that's all she will tell you. When pressed for more, she simply smiles serenely and shakes her head.
RP Hooks

- Doman natives would know her face well. A Viera taught the art of a Samurai, who fought valiantly against the Garlean invasion and then disappeared after the Doman's defeat, only to crop up now and then, aiding the resistance efforts where she could.- Has a reputation as a void hunter and Exorcist, especially in the East. Being new to Eorzea, her reputation has yet to take hold, yet it is still possible to have heard of her.- Her reputation among the people of the Skatay range is much, much different and much less flattering. Simply send me a tell if you'd like your Viera to recognize her.
OOC Information
Player is 21+ with years of RP experience. I'm an easy-going individual who will roll with most themes except character death. I enjoy RP in all forms. LT, story-driven RP, light, casual RP, character development. Walk-ups are always welcomed!However. I do not write ERP for ERP's sake. It needs to make sense between the characters. Please don't waste your time or mine if this is your only goal. This applies to any character I play (and I have many of them)OOC ≠ IC I am not my character. Her actions/interactions do not reflect on the player's preferences/personality